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Health data science for biosecurity


How can we better use health data and computer science to bolster biosecurity?

Working with University Hospitals Birmingham, we are investigating ways to better use data routinely collected for healthcare to improve the way we combat infectious diseases. Examples are:


  • Using a patient's electronic health records to choose the best antimicrobial to treat infections

  • Using a patient's travel history and data on infectious disease outbreaks worldwide to better anticipate the cause of fevers of unknown origin in patients admitted to the emergency room

  • Developing a Vaccine Security Index for countries by collecting data on their cold chain infrastructure, transport infrastructure, population density and age distribution and data on vaccine administration and wastage. This can be used to recommend the best purchases a government can make as existing infrastructure fails to improve effective delivery of vaccines and resilience to events that may disrupt vaccine delivery, such as extreme weather events and conflicts. 


We can also arrange for students to shadow infectious disease clinicians and work with them to develop computational approaches to improve how healthcare is delivered. 

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